Friday, December 28, 2007
gastronomical expedition
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Happy Birthday Xinyi and Bryon!
So here are some pics:
Basically Han Long was trying to take photos of Amy and Amanda but Amanda kept on closing her eyes when the flash went off. So after 3 tries, Han Long suggested that Amanda close her eyes first then open her eyes wide when he finished counting to three before he took another shot. So Amanda closed her eyes, trying very very very hard not to laugh and both Amy and Amanda got into a pose...
Han Long pressed the shutter at this point and lo and behold, we have four pictures of Amy with Amanda (and her eyes closed). ;)
Alright. Ppl pls blog more here!!!
The mad (med) people have exams next week. Take care everyone and goodbye! =)
Monday, October 08, 2007
I survived the 1st day of school, literally
Friday, September 28, 2007
My blog
Went for supper with classmates earlier and this guy at the counter went "Hey dude how are u!" "fine...?" Ahhh the angmoh land, tt's wad we call it. I am supposed to be sleeping now since I am supposed to be fresh tomorrow, but I am still sticking to my initial concept of following the British clock when I sleep. In other words, I am supposed to only sleep at about 3am, which is not a very attractive prospect considering I will wake up 2 hours later. I am feeeling so tired now with all the hectic packing (which is finally done) and catching up with people and doing random things before I go that it seems like yesterday since my last blog post.
On a side note, Kboxing rocks! Quite a good turnout actually :) With Kangya being our stefanie sun (wo men yong yuan zhi chi ni!) It will be at least 10 more months before another Kbox session, "who's the boss" and even sessions of Jack Josie, in which ironically will be somehow missed if I do get too isolated in the land far far away. PLeaseee whoever is involved in those 3 things I mention above (with least priority on the latter), make sure that we meet up kae? There's a new facebook group for councilors and personally I don't think it was a fantastic idea since our own group is dead, and this blog barely surviving hahaha thanks Chings and Kangya for tagging! Why don u blog ah :P
Alright then, I am feeling tired now. It shouldnt be too long before entries of school comes here. This's what listening to everyone talk about their uni life and crashing nus brings about: missing lessons. Gosh I cant believe I'll ever say that. I can't find anyone to talk to online anyway... maybe they are sleeping now so that they can wake up early tomo! Such big ego isn't it? It is really inflated by you guys. I told myself I will burst tt big ego before I go though I know tt doesn';t make sense.
Tired. Sleepy. I'll miss my bed. and my buddies' love;y invest present. They will be so sad tt it wont go with me to the UK
Friday, September 14, 2007
the road ahead
That was the last time any councilor last had an entry here. Slightly more than 2 years have passed since the picture at the top right hand corner was 1st taken. the years gone by, the experiences, the memories, are captulated in the photos tt I browse through sometimes, jus for reminiscence.
The past 9 mths have been a period where some of us have just stayed where we are, looked around our surroundings, holding on to the ppl we care for, hoping tt nothign will ever change, tt time will stop, tt we will be happily stuck in this comfort zone forever. no more anxieties, no more loneliness, just being content with the state of affairs...
Those days are gone, aren't they?
I will never spend 9 mths doing nothing ever again. I will never b able to go back to RJ n relive everything again. It happened so quickly and time has just flown by and I just cannot believe I will be leaving the ppl here to go away.
I will miss u guys (n girls :P)
tt's of cuz... if u do still come here to see the blog
Sunday, June 10, 2007
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
Junghans, the ever friendly
Junli: Nope, I haven't yet!
Junghans: I think we should buy our tickets together ;)!
Friday, May 11, 2007
reminiscent! (:
Platypus mouth!! hehe i can blackmail everyone already :P

My President and i! (:
[ok army boys are not allowed to start criticising my salute! i know it's terrible... it's been ten thousand years since i last saluted although i'm a proud UG member! hehe]
heh yup that's about it for council camp. i hope no one comes to this blog other than the beloved 25ths. the platypus mouth photo is quite humiliating, but put up just for laughs ok! (: hope it brightens all of your days... anyway just for the record, this is for josie:
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
where's our 'reunion' photo?!
It is actually quite disappointing that noone blogs abt going back to school! Chinghui what happened to ur blogging enthusiasm haha ok yeah it's quite nice seeing most of our 25ths back crashing and feeling like fossils because we're so 'old' already la!
Okay for once I really cant think of any crap to say. Man this sucks how can this be happening to me! i m losing my crappiness! hahaha ok i'm tired but see i still try to blog! lol btw to the welfare dept ppl who still checks here, i m learning to cook new dishes to entertain u all next time! but yeah i guess we wont b having a gathering too soon becuz of e ns guys but yeap hopefully june is possible! :) I will try to learn how to make apple struddle! hopefully after eating it u wont b too traumatized haha
Thursday, April 12, 2007
i wonder how many of us still read this blog.. anw, i'm blogging from work now - i'm a clerk at seletar camp, and not all coms have internet but i get to use the internet com now cos i'm having break.. CC is coming! so fast hasnt it? one year already... and two years since our own!
anw, jst to blog on behalf of all the january ns guys - yea we're all alive and well, some more than others of course, but it'll all be over soon la... ok fairly soon.. hmmm ok in not too long... aiya ok its just 2 years... erm ok we'll eventually ord la. and to the april guys going in - have fun! tho u cant read this (if u even read this to begin with) but yea take care too :)
speaking of which, i saw kwan rui at zouk last nite! OMG have any of u seen him lately! his hair is sooooo long he looks like he's been growing hair for all the january intake guys.. he looks more sixties than sixties ok! haha couldnt recognise him for like 10 mins ok. enjoy your last day of freedom kwanruiiii
haha ok i'll see all of you soon (:
just, blogging so it isnt just junghans
Sunday, April 01, 2007
Council camp...
Sunday, March 25, 2007
happy birthday to the march babies! (rather belated)
hahaha oops i actually realized tt this photo has our names attached there! ok better not elaborate too much but welfare rox!
i think us unis replies r like coming out this week next week so to all e girls n boys who r prob getting nervous, don't be! everything's gonna be alright :) ok it's late. is soccer game ever gg to start? garh ok nights ppl!
p.s wes this is a blog, not a test paper which requires spelling correction haha i knoe how animosity is spelt so don;t worry abt my english being bad even though i don think i can find a proper english tuition grrr
Friday, March 23, 2007
just on a random side track, personal note to josie: i think its animoSity not ur last entry and u'll know wad im talking about :P haha
english lessons aside, anyone has the latest photo of our gathering at jack's place? can upload. thanks.
anyhow been meeting up with a number of ppl randomly over this past week n talking alot. with all the scholarships we're applying for, it just seems like such a hurried decision we have to make about our lives. 6 years may not be long if we like our job...but that's IF we like it. if we dun, as the saying goes...suck thumb lor...
but congrats to those who alr have scholarship offers n uni places. to those still waiting, jiayou. im sure there are good things in store for u. as for those who are koping scholarship places but really want to do nus med, pls stop being mean to ppl who realli want scholarships. heh. ok just kidding. but hope u'll can come to a decision too. not like me. dunno wad to do. sian.
to all my fellow OCTs...its another 3 weeks confinement unless we get out for easter weekend, so jiayou! dun think too much and u'll be fine.
btw...i still have videos of josie n kangya dancing to "speedy gonzales" and "do that thing you do" and darren n guanghao singing "calcutta" and "numb" at kbox from dunno when. haha. if i see chinghui i'll send to him to upload k. thanks chinghui :)
ok leave u'll a photo to reminisce. love u'll!
[post has been edited due to some sensitive issues regarding some policies of some organisations]
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
Yay, signs of life finally
Most of the guys have POPed! We are now privates!
this is my blog now!
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
Our two outings were such a blast! Big thank yous to the organizers. A pity to those who couldn't make it, like Josie for example, because it was nice just catching up. Most of the talk revolved around the army though. This means that girls should tell us more about their lives so that the sharing will not be lopsided.
Can't believe its only 1 month to POP! Time really flies when you don't really have time to think about things. Its just PT, looking forward to cook house food and PT from now on for those who have completed the major events. Yes, the cook house food is actually rather delicious! Had ice-cream 3 times already for dessert.
Here are the group pictures that we took. Enjoy and see you people soon. =)
Sunday, January 28, 2007
here to save josie =p
so yes. I WENT BACK TO SCHOOL the other day! ((: whee. gonna lose my freedom from the coming week onwards after work starts so i figured i shld go back and visit first. yes i'm finally going to make my life useful instead of rotting at home haha! and yes it made me miss school terribly. council room and the area outside it!! the council room has been refurnished! each 26th has his/her own cubby hole now! pretty cool. and the room seems more spacious so it's nice. oh, and they painted the walls over with white paint! so it looks cleaner now (: yeapp! the new rule - totally no shoes allowed in the council room at all. not only the "no-shoe zone". yay. cleaner council room! ((:
anyway, i hope all our army boys are doing fine! oh josie, i heard that for the earlier batch their POP is on 13th march and for the later one (jan) batch it's on the 14th. and it's supposedly a 1 week break. so if you want to organise the trip thingy, guess this period is good! (: met up with cedric and jonny just now and heard many army stories. heh. especially since cedric just returned from his fieldcamp. those of you going for fieldcamp soon - JIAYOUU! (:
uhhuh, please blog people! it's pretty sad really to see this blog die. =/ update us on your lives!! argh, having a lot of trouble uploading the photos somehow. forget it i give up. shall try again some time. alright, so take good care people! i hope everyone's doing great!! oh and btw, HAPPYY BIRTHDAY KOO!
love, kang
Thursday, January 18, 2007
My house is getting renovated! apparently the flooring is super old so it's gotta be polished and the ground floor is in a total mess as of now. but it's quite funny becuz the workers had to put some glue to be dried up overnight and I actually saw lizards on the floor, motionless, becuz the glue got stuck onto them and basically they cant move at all wahahahaha
Okay that sounds quite evil... but I am feeling extremely bored now and I cant wait for the tennis lesson to begin in abt half an hour. it's quite cheap actually but the coach is a money-faced guy so i got quite pissed off by his greediness:( I think i am really running out of things to write so somebody pls say/plan smthing! :) tata hope e girls are finding joy in their work n e guys r becoming men in army :P
Friday, January 12, 2007
Exodus in Indonesia
Oh by e way I am going to learn driving so soooon! first lesson is just an hour away.. I am starting with a manual gear though and honestly I don't think the experience of daytona and Lizhan's idiotic turbo is making me very excited as of now. But having gotten drenched in the rain for the past 2 days in Singapore, I am determined to make sure that the next time I go back to Singapore, I will have had an ASEAN license (apparently Pontianak no longer does them) and I can drive the West-ies home if we do go out for a council outing at Chompchomp! then again i think I will prefer crashing someone's house...
Ok I am so absolutely rambling and I think it is obvious that since we are unlikely to meet for the next few weeks, please talk crap here! hahaha I think I will be back once the O level results are released so tt we can go and play and drink a bit the night before the much feared A results pop out... And in response to the relatively enthusiastic response to a possible getaway I was thinking tt maybe we shd still try to plan a trip and try to include as many people as possible. One in March. One in June! because once some of us go here go there it's very difficult to get everyone to come back again :(
Alrite! I shall end my long draggy entry here by reminding everyone of 16 May 2016! haha work hard, play hard, army hard, we'll meet up for a gathering soon enuff! (maybe we shd go east coast park like last time lol time flies)
the ever bored josie
Sunday, January 07, 2007
Para para
Thursday, January 04, 2007
orientation07 + day out!
anyway, yesterday's outing was good! after going around the school feeling old =/ and missing orientation all over we headed down to mind cafe! but sadly, it was fully booked!! =( so we went over to paradiz instead to eat (we saw the actor terence chao there haha!). it was pool after that and arcade! OMG wes is super PRO at para para!!! ask josie or chings for video clip! hahaha. mattie tried to challenge, armed with his pro dance skills! and he did well too! but no fancy twirling of wrists and funky patterns. wes still wins! haha. and then it's dinner at manhattan fish market! (:
here's a peek at orientation 2007! see the j1s all wearing their house shirts for IHC opening! it was pretty cool the house capts rapped!! haha. and sruthi totally owned all the guys! *woots* BB!!
can't wait to see more of you during onight! let's all try to go down okay!
alrights! shall leave yall with the pic we took at manhattan! ((: mine's a bit dark though, whose cams took the other 2 shots are they better? post pics k!<3 kang