haha okay josie i'm guilty of not posting up this poster earlier. days have been terribly long and busy :( anyway, here are our photos from our date at 27th council camp! remember our next date at 27th invest! :)
A 25ths' family photo hehe (:
The scary CCICs! :) [without licia and peko :(]
Platypus mouth!! hehe i can blackmail everyone already :P

My President and i! (:
[ok army boys are not allowed to start criticising my salute! i know it's terrible... it's been ten thousand years since i last saluted although i'm a proud UG member! hehe]
heh yup that's about it for council camp. i hope no one comes to this blog other than the beloved 25ths. the platypus mouth photo is quite humiliating, but put up just for laughs ok! (: hope it brightens all of your days... anyway just for the record, this is for josie:
MMPD rocks! :D
haha sigh. all these seem so long ago... posting all these photos is making me sad again. (and it takes a super duper mighty long time to upload photos! they better not eat up my post later hehe) anyway, miss you all, miss the council room! go check mail that i sent out and hopefully we will meet soon again, before everyone starts travelling to the different ends of the earth.
quote of the day: never regreat anything that made you smile! :)))) remember our 'no regrets' and little time capsule? (:
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