happy belated birthday to the March babies! haha this is e only mthly birthday pic i have becuz yeap it is the dry run of CC! Mans one year has passed just like that and if u go into the sch compound next week u will find that the whole campus is like er (ruined with posters n blue tags :P) for all u knoe someone may campaign rugger's style again n get screwed lol
and yes! our dear ns boys r back for another 3 weeks! pls make sure tt u don screw up inside and show up on sunday morning 15 april k! then since e kiddies r probably dead already we shall go out ourselves n perhaps get e best attendance ever :> probably go for lunch or smthing okay?
a random quote from a random convo with a random councilor under a random situation of hiding in a random lt watching a random presentation :P
"the bigger the obstacles, the sweeter the victory"
life isn't always fair, perceptions do matter more than real quality at times, and it's just a qn of what u believe in most. tt's why school still rocks event tho it is mother stressful when we mug, n it's up to us as to whether we want to adapt, compromize, change or be resolute in our principles. weigh n balance these urself :)
lol seldom do words tt seem to require thinking do come out of my mouth eh? ok let's add smthign tt sounds more josie-like then...
hahaha oops i actually realized tt this photo has our names attached there! ok better not elaborate too much but welfare rox!
i think us unis replies r like coming out this week next week so to all e girls n boys who r prob getting nervous, don't be! everything's gonna be alright :) ok it's late. is soccer game ever gg to start? garh ok nights ppl!
p.s wes this is a blog, not a test paper which requires spelling correction haha i knoe how animosity is spelt so don;t worry abt my english being bad even though i don think i can find a proper english tuition grrr
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