Friday, October 06, 2006

open house! (:

hello everyone(:

-this is probably going to sound silly and nostalgic haha-

but yup! it's near open house again, and i rmbr us staying back late 2 weeks in a row, without going home for dinner at all. i rmbr us pasting and cutting the colourful flags, the balls of twine, darren hanging the pretty sails down from the amphi, learning the befrienders dance at the amphi (and how some of us tried to run away oops :P), just and matthew handling the befrienders meeting in lt2, befriending pple on the day itself, hanlong performing at the amphitheatre... (i was just telling one of the 26ths about our open house experience(: )

jiayou everyone. cant believe alot of things that have happened since council term ended, cant believe we're a few days away from farewell assembly too.

-end of nostalgia!-

JIAYOU EVERYONE! keep pressing onward and no giving up! :D

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