Monday, July 03, 2006

Everyone please upload your PIP pictures! Here's a shot of us making our way from the MRT station to Yusheng's place

Josie and Koo

Walking to the field

Surveying the pitch

Soccer game in progress. We lost 4-0 by fluke.

Captain's ball

The fuction room when it was still peaceful

MCs who use mikes that were not plugged in.

Akkshay our coolest dude in council

This is damn cool

Some random activity going on

More random activity going on

Table soccer! I bet half of you didn't know that there was table soccer

See the two nice cakes

Poor shaun. But this isn't the best part

The 26th June babies building a wall around themselves to prevent getting thrown into the pool

Since when did he dye his hair white?

Bryon got a taste of the thing too

Brian doing some table-top dancing

beautiful pillows

When you give poon your camera, he'll take a shot of himself first.

A final bout of Indian wrestling before heading home. What a blast PIP was! Posted by Picasa

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