Now for CCAD handover photos. CCAD handover rocks man! Our spontaniety, ad-hocness and dynamism made it an enjoyable affair. Ilman also got us the party room at the interchange macs all for ourselves. How cool was that? But first, this is a picture of Jonny in his batch sweater.

Zhou Qiao got the hairdresser to give her the "funkiest" haircut. She says it looks funkier gelled. Don't worry, it looks quite nice already.

Sorry but there weren't any photos taken during our pre-handover meeting in the council room! But there was a lot of crap said and water bottles thrown during the course of the meeting. Here's a picture of Bryon proving that he's turning whiter. He still loses out to Licia though.

The party room all to ourselves.

Perhaps Macdonald's ice-creams melt all too quickly. Shuyan treated all the 25ths to ice-cream. Thank you Shuyan!

Shuyan looks interesting in the picture.

The lights must have been too bright.

Proof that ice-cream melts quickly

The two heads. Two heads are better than one.

See the happiness

Zhou Qiao found a new friend in Dani!


Hugging Jerik's ball for comfort. (hm, that's quite suggestive) Yup, that's it for CCAD handover pictures. Dani's right. The handover rocked. CCAD IS THE BEST DEPARTMENT. C-C-A-D * * C-C-A-D * * C-C-A-D * * CCAD! (do CCAD handsign)

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